Consciously Collected - Ready to Wear

Consciously Collected - Ready to Wear 

Conscious - Being aware and responding to one's surroundings. 

Welcome to our brand new Consciously Collected, Ready to Wear collection. A collection that's made up of six, handmade garments that have been made entirely of dead stock, offcuts, thrifted and donated fabrics. 

This is Bambi's Dens first, ready to wear, size inclusive ongoing collection and all of us involved are so happy and excited that we finally get to share it with all of you lovely humans. 

Many of you know that Bambi's Den has always worked sustainably, making and up-cycling garments made from recycled, reused and thrifted materials. This has limited our designs to mainly one-off pieces and as much as we always try to bring in a range of sizes, it's never really left us with much wiggle room. We will always design and love our one-off pieces but the time has come for fresh thinking and fresh ideas, which has led us to designing and making our Consciously Collected, Ready to Wear Collection. 

Last summer, our founder and head designer Leren Connor started sorting out our recycled fabrics that we've collected over the last year, into piles that could be used to create this sustainably led collection. Not only using materials already in our stash, but also sourcing true dead stock fabric from a local supplier, The Long Eaton Art Room. 

Designing collections which are led by fabrics is a totally different ball game to designing from ideas to sourcing fabrics. In order for us to be able to make this collection ongoing and size inclusive, it's very much about how many pieces we can make from the same fabric. The fabrics we've used have been spread out in the forms of panels and blocks, this has allowed us to utilise as much of the same fabrics throughout different sizes. 

Fabrics do differ in some areas and sizes, naturally this can't be helped but we've tried extremely hard to create this collection so that it is coherent and consistent. 
As mentioned above, the collection is ongoing, meaning the style of garment will remain the same but will always change in regards to fabrics. Not only does this mean  we have staple pieces in The Den, but each piece will become a collection within themselves. You'll notice that each piece is named after a breed of Deer, a nod to our brand name. 

The entire collection truly has been made consciously, sustainably and ethically. Sustainable and Slow fashion is at the heart of what we do here in Bambi's Den, we truly understand the importance of the impact fashion has on the lives of people and planet, we understand the importance of knowing your supply chain, we understand the importance of creating true sustainable fashion. It's been our biggest project to date and we're absolutely in LOVE with it and hope you are too. 

We would love to hear your feedback and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our social links or email. 

With love, all of us here at Bambi's Den

Leren, Elise & Kathryn xxx




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