How sustainable are you?

Very! We’re always looking at ways we can improve our sustainable footprint but so far, it’s pretty damn good. We only ever make or up-cycle garments from dead-stock, recycled or thrifted materials. We save our off-cuts for re-sale or we recycle them back into production to create more magic. We never mass produce or mass buy materials, once the fabric is gone, it’s gone for good.

Do you offer made to measure?

We absolutely do and we love it!! We currently offer sizes from a UK size 6 to a UK size 24. If you see something on our website that doesn’t list your size, please get in touch with us and we’d be happy to help. You can also check out our made to measure section for more information

Where are you based?

We’re based in Derby, UK. We operate from our sister brands IRL shop called Friargate Alterations. Both businesses co-exist together, it also means we get to recycle off-cuts from Alterations back into production.

Do you ever do events?

Yes and we love being on adventures with the brand, we take part in a lot of local craft and fashion events and during the summer you can find us on the festival circuit.

Where do you source your fabric from?

We have three regular dead-stock fabric suppliers, we also hunt down second fabrics from car boot sales and charity shops and we also take in donations.

Do you accept returns?

We do yes, please head to our return policy.